Jefferson Park's Traffic Advisory Committee reviews traffic calming within the neighborhood and works with neighbors on projects.
2024 Members currently are: Chair - Cindy Doklan members: Alison Meadow,Zac Lacy, Stuart Lorch, Rosemary Bolza, Jon Heine Contact Cindy at: [email protected] |
Existing Traffic Mitigations in Jefferson Park - MAP
Jefferson Park Existing Traffic Mitigations - the committe works with Tucson Department of Transportation to evaluate traffic mitigations in the neighborhood. This map shows existing stop signs, trffic circles, speed humps etc. Any future changes must be vetted by TDOT and some must be funded by JPNA
Mountain Avenue and Speed tables - Rejected - The originally proposed sites for speed tables have been cancelled by Department of Transportation "Bottom line the Mountain Speed tables have been rejected by the city. They do not allow speed humps on inverted roads. Mountain is an inverted road from Grant to Speedway. They are designed to be urban washes and convey lots of stormwater. . ."
Reduction in speed limit accomplished. pedestrian signs installed per JP request
The International School and speed humps - Three speed humps and signage was recommended by DTM, Jesse Soto. Ward III pledged one, IST pledged one and JPNA pledged one. All are accomplished.
Speed humps - Seneca near Tyndall-installed
Traffic raffic circle - Santa Rita/Seneca traffic circle Currently in process
BE AWARE certain traffic mitigations require that the neighborhood requesting them finance them. Latest cost projection is $5,000 per hump, $11,000 per speed table. All proposals must pass the Dept of Transportation requirements.
Reduction in speed limit accomplished. pedestrian signs installed per JP request
The International School and speed humps - Three speed humps and signage was recommended by DTM, Jesse Soto. Ward III pledged one, IST pledged one and JPNA pledged one. All are accomplished.
Speed humps - Seneca near Tyndall-installed
Traffic raffic circle - Santa Rita/Seneca traffic circle Currently in process
BE AWARE certain traffic mitigations require that the neighborhood requesting them finance them. Latest cost projection is $5,000 per hump, $11,000 per speed table. All proposals must pass the Dept of Transportation requirements.
The cross-hatched area in our neighborhood is deemed Phase 1. The web-site explains that "Scheduling of Phase I projects have not been determined at this time. Staff is identifying preferred treatment types and coordinating with utilities on planned improvements. However, Phase I projects will occur over the next three years (2024-2026). So the next 3 years the cross-hatched area will be completed. See the interactive map at:
UA memo of Mountain Ave Safety: This memo was written by UA professor Joey Iuliano and his students at the U of A following a 2020 traffic safety study of Mountain Avenue. It is important to note that since this memo the Department of Transportation has declared that, though the road is a path for emergency vehicles, speed tables are allowed. DTM had suggested five tables which are no longer an option.
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