JpnA Charter
This Neighborhood Association is a non-profit Association formed to promote a meaningful and lasting relationship among neighbors and to further the enhancement of the urban lifestyle found within and between this neighborhood and other neighborhoods.
ARTICLE I. NAME AND BOUNDARIESThis neighborhood Association shall be known as the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association. The area which shall be defined as the Jefferson Park Neighborhood is bounded on the North by Grant Road; on the South by Lester Street, including houses on both sides of this street; on the East by Campbell Avenue; and on the West by Euclid Avenue.
ARTICLE I. NAME AND BOUNDARIESThis neighborhood Association shall be known as the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association. The area which shall be defined as the Jefferson Park Neighborhood is bounded on the North by Grant Road; on the South by Lester Street, including houses on both sides of this street; on the East by Campbell Avenue; and on the West by Euclid Avenue.
- The purposes for which this Association is formed are to improve the Neighborhood, to maintain and enhance its aesthetic qualities, and to ensure that it continues to be a quality residential neighborhood.
- To encourage the revitalization and preservation of the inner city neighborhoods in Tucson, Arizona.
- To encourage development of architecturally compatible buildings where open land exists in accordance with the character of the Neighborhood.
- To prevent high-rise and industrial encroachment throughout the Neighborhood.
- To protect Jefferson Park School as a Neighborhood institution.
- To provide for and encourage desirable neighborhood improvements, including establishment of a Neighborhood Watch program to reduce crime.
- To discourage the movement of heavy duty commercial vehicles and any additional thru-traffic through the Neighborhood.
- To influence and promote existing businesses and services in the Neighborhood.
- To establish a liaison with administration at the University of Arizona, that the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association will be advised of any future plans of the University.
- To create and participate in programs for social and human growth and development in the neighborhood.
- And to further perform such other activities as may be in the furtherance of the Neighborhood interests
- The membership of this association shall be composed of two categories; Voting Members and Associate Members.
- Voting rights shall be defined by the Bylaws.
- The offices of the Association shall be as follows: a President, a Vice President, an Executive Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
- The duties of the officers shall be outlined in the Bylaws.
ARTICLE VI. BYLAWSBylaws shall be adopted at the organizational meeting called for this purpose and thereafter amended by the Neighborhood Association, as specified by Article VII of the Bylaws.
ARTICLE VII PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITYThe rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Charter and Bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
ARTICLE VIII. MEETINGSThere shall be an annual meeting whose date, time and place shall be set by the Bylaws.
ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENT OF CHARTERThis charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Voting Members present at a meeting called for this purpose.
ARTICLE X. DISSOLUTION OF ASSOCIATIONThis Association may be dissolved by a majority of Voting Members present at a meeting called for this purpose. Any assets of the Association may be transferred to a successor organization or such other non-profit organization as designated by the Voting Members at the time of the dissolution.