The Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association was established in 1990 under a charter with the city. Current Info:
Board and Area Reps- CLICK HERE Committees and members - CLICK HERE
Minutes of Meetings -CLICK HERE Charter - CLICK HERE By-Laws - CLICK HERE
Board and Area Reps- CLICK HERE Committees and members - CLICK HERE
Minutes of Meetings -CLICK HERE Charter - CLICK HERE By-Laws - CLICK HERE
JPNA Board has established policies/procedures that facilitate efficient meetings and provide access to all neighbors
JPNA Board has established policies/procedures that facilitate efficient meetings and provide access to all neighbors
Nomination Committee Policy/Procedures
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED- Policy of the JPNA Nominating Committee (Approved by JPNA Board 11/28/2018, revised 2/2023)
Establishment of the committee: The sitting President appoints a nominating committee made up of neighborhood residents. Recommend membership of 3 to 5.
Purpose: To prepare a slate of nominees. Nominees will fill the officer and area representative positions comprising the Board of Jefferson Park Neighborhood Assoc. (JPNA)
Working Guidelines: All nominees names must be processed according to this policy through the established Nominating Committee. This avoids misunderstanding and assures a fair and impartial vetting of the nominees.
Nomination Process - Solicitation of Nominees- This process starts with the call to service and a list of potential nominees to be interviewed.
1. Current officer/area representatives may be offered the opportunity to
a. be re-nominated for their current board position or
b. express an interest in another Board position
2. An appeal to residents to seek those interested in being nominated.
a. Soliciting nominees: announcements at JPNA Board meeting, neighborhood newsletters/list serve/ or website notice. A deadline for nominations is clearly communicated in every announcement– suggested 2 weeks prior to Dec Meeting.
b. Self nomination: Anyone interested in being a candidate for Board office or Area Representative is asked to contact a member of the Nominating Committee.
c. Nomination by others: If a Board member, or another neighborhood resident learns of a resident's interest in serving on the JPNA Board, that individual is invited to submit that information to the nominating committee.
Interview/Documentation-This process starts with a list of nominees and ends with completion of interviews and preparation of a slate for December:
1. Scheduling interviews: Upon acceptance by the nominee, the members (at least 3 recommended) of the Nominating Committee “interview” prospective nominees noting their contact information, reason for applying and particular interests/strengths. Interviews by e-mail or other social media are not acceptable.
2. Purposes of the “interview”:
a. to document as noted above
b. to inform the prospective nominee of the requirements of the position for which they are being nominated, including the time commitment.
c. to assess the nominee's interest, availability and suitability etc. for the position.
d. In the case of multiple candidates for a position, the nominating committee will alert all as to who will go forward and who will not within 30 days of the interview.
e. Particular considerations should be recorded of prior activity and understanding of neighborhood issues, which might include attendance at meetings, work on a particular related neighborhood issue, etc
C. Presentation of Slate: This process starts with the completion of the interviews and ends with the election.
1.Traditionally presented to the Board at the monthly meeting preceding the Annual Meeting.
2. JPNA By-Laws require a minimum10 days notice to residents of the up-coming election.
3. Preparation for Election: Nominating Committee is responsible for conducting the Election of officers and area representatives.
a. Confirm presence of a sign-in sheet (specific information including resident/owner status)
b.Prepare ballot: a ballot with 3 columns
Column 1: lists names of nominees presented by JPNA Nominating Committee.
Column 2: a line for potential write in candidates
Column 3: records a vote of “yes” or “no” for each nominee.
c. Identify individuals who will lead the voting process ie.pass out, collect ballots and tally votes
D. Election Procedure
a. Nominating Committee member explains voting process to attendees. By-Laws state that any resident or property owner in Jefferson Park is entitled to one vote.
b. Election
1. Nominating Committee gives instructions for voting.
2. Ballots are distributed, allow ample time for voting.
3. Ballots are collected and counted.
4. Results are announced at discretion of President.
The appointment of Members at Large shall occur at the next Business
Establishment of the committee: The sitting President appoints a nominating committee made up of neighborhood residents. Recommend membership of 3 to 5.
Purpose: To prepare a slate of nominees. Nominees will fill the officer and area representative positions comprising the Board of Jefferson Park Neighborhood Assoc. (JPNA)
Working Guidelines: All nominees names must be processed according to this policy through the established Nominating Committee. This avoids misunderstanding and assures a fair and impartial vetting of the nominees.
Nomination Process - Solicitation of Nominees- This process starts with the call to service and a list of potential nominees to be interviewed.
1. Current officer/area representatives may be offered the opportunity to
a. be re-nominated for their current board position or
b. express an interest in another Board position
2. An appeal to residents to seek those interested in being nominated.
a. Soliciting nominees: announcements at JPNA Board meeting, neighborhood newsletters/list serve/ or website notice. A deadline for nominations is clearly communicated in every announcement– suggested 2 weeks prior to Dec Meeting.
b. Self nomination: Anyone interested in being a candidate for Board office or Area Representative is asked to contact a member of the Nominating Committee.
c. Nomination by others: If a Board member, or another neighborhood resident learns of a resident's interest in serving on the JPNA Board, that individual is invited to submit that information to the nominating committee.
Interview/Documentation-This process starts with a list of nominees and ends with completion of interviews and preparation of a slate for December:
1. Scheduling interviews: Upon acceptance by the nominee, the members (at least 3 recommended) of the Nominating Committee “interview” prospective nominees noting their contact information, reason for applying and particular interests/strengths. Interviews by e-mail or other social media are not acceptable.
2. Purposes of the “interview”:
a. to document as noted above
b. to inform the prospective nominee of the requirements of the position for which they are being nominated, including the time commitment.
c. to assess the nominee's interest, availability and suitability etc. for the position.
d. In the case of multiple candidates for a position, the nominating committee will alert all as to who will go forward and who will not within 30 days of the interview.
e. Particular considerations should be recorded of prior activity and understanding of neighborhood issues, which might include attendance at meetings, work on a particular related neighborhood issue, etc
C. Presentation of Slate: This process starts with the completion of the interviews and ends with the election.
1.Traditionally presented to the Board at the monthly meeting preceding the Annual Meeting.
2. JPNA By-Laws require a minimum10 days notice to residents of the up-coming election.
3. Preparation for Election: Nominating Committee is responsible for conducting the Election of officers and area representatives.
a. Confirm presence of a sign-in sheet (specific information including resident/owner status)
b.Prepare ballot: a ballot with 3 columns
Column 1: lists names of nominees presented by JPNA Nominating Committee.
Column 2: a line for potential write in candidates
Column 3: records a vote of “yes” or “no” for each nominee.
c. Identify individuals who will lead the voting process ie.pass out, collect ballots and tally votes
D. Election Procedure
a. Nominating Committee member explains voting process to attendees. By-Laws state that any resident or property owner in Jefferson Park is entitled to one vote.
b. Election
1. Nominating Committee gives instructions for voting.
2. Ballots are distributed, allow ample time for voting.
3. Ballots are collected and counted.
4. Results are announced at discretion of President.
The appointment of Members at Large shall occur at the next Business
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Policy for awarding JPNA funded traffic elements (4/2022)
Potential sites for road "elements" funded by the association or through the association will be treated as follows to be inclusive of the neighborhood:
Nothing will get funded unless the following is met:
Potential sites for road "elements" funded by the association or through the association will be treated as follows to be inclusive of the neighborhood:
Nothing will get funded unless the following is met:
- All neighbors adjacent to the project have been notified of the project
- There are 50% external (private, city etc) funding available for the project
- A neighbor in the defined area has agreed to gather signatures*
- A neighbor has agreed to do watering and maintenance*
- 60% of the neighbors have agreed on the petition supplied by the city
MEETING POLICIES - Getting on the agenda, Proposing workshops, Call to the Audience

Meeting Procedures:
In order to maintain well run JPNA meetings the following policies are in place:
Anti-Discrimination Policy of the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Adopted by the board of directors of the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association on January 23, 2019
The Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community.
(from M Rankin city attorney 5/25/2005)
(from M Rankin city attorney 1/24/2006)
In order to maintain well run JPNA meetings the following policies are in place:
Anti-Discrimination Policy of the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Adopted by the board of directors of the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association on January 23, 2019
The Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community.
(from M Rankin city attorney 5/25/2005)
- “prohibition against of newsletters that contain references to ballot issues or political candidates as incorporated in Administrative Directive 1.06-22”
- “DNR from disseminating newsletters that contain slanderous material; or that contains commercial advertising”
- “the prohibition against supporting an association that discriminates based on race, gender, national origin, etc”
- “prohibition against expending City Resources for political advocacy”
(from M Rankin city attorney 1/24/2006)
- At the same time, the City imposes no restrictions on neighborhood associations, either in the context of mailings or meetings, where the activity doesn’t involve any City resources. In other words, if the association pays for its own meeting notices and mailings, and secures it meeting space without City subsidy, the City imposes no restrictions on political expression”
- “DNR can distribute newsletters or meeting notices that announce a (political) forum, so long as all candidates, or all persons/groups interested in a ballot issue, will be given equal opportunity to speak and present their position.”

Jefferson Park Association Funds Expenditure Policy
BUDGET: JPNA will, at the January annual meeting, approve a yearly budget, including line itemsand estimated annual and monthly costs for each line item. Those may include, for example:
For budgeted funds (see above):
Before making a purchase/incurring a cost, the JPNA board member responsible for a particular expenditure must check with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are available. If available, the Board member may proceed with the expenditure.
If funds are not available, the Board member must discuss with the full Board in a regular Board meeting how to increase funds to cover the expenditure.
If the Board member incurs the cost without previously consulting the Treasurer, that Board member will not be reimbursed for the expenditure.
For expenditures not included in the Annual Budget:
Category 1 - $1.00 – $99.99
Any Board member who wishes to spend between $1.00 and $99.99 on an item that is JPNA-related must get prior approval from three other Board members, and must consult with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are available. Prior approval from three other board members must be in writing and presented to the Treasurer when consulting about funding availability. This approval can be in the form of emails or texts.
If funds are not available, the Board member must discuss with the full Board in a regular Board meeting how to increase funds to cover the expenditure.
If the Board member incurs the cost without previously consulting the Treasurer, that Board member will not be reimbursed for the expenditure.
Category 2 – above $100.00
All JPNA-related expenditures over $100.00 must be pre-approved by the Board by a quorum vote in regular session or by email vote. If by email vote, a copy of all emails must be made available to the Secretary for the JPNA records. Even if approved by the Board, the requesting Board Member must consult with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are available.
These stipulations apply:
If the Board member incurs the cost without previously consulting the Treasurer, that Board member will not be reimbursed for the expenditure.
For all categories:
Approved by the Board on December 16, 2020, updated 1/2025
BUDGET: JPNA will, at the January annual meeting, approve a yearly budget, including line itemsand estimated annual and monthly costs for each line item. Those may include, for example:
- Office supplies, paper, printer cartridges, stamps;
- Professional fees – legal, insurance etc.
- Program Committee costs
- Other recurrent operating expenses
For budgeted funds (see above):
Before making a purchase/incurring a cost, the JPNA board member responsible for a particular expenditure must check with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are available. If available, the Board member may proceed with the expenditure.
If funds are not available, the Board member must discuss with the full Board in a regular Board meeting how to increase funds to cover the expenditure.
If the Board member incurs the cost without previously consulting the Treasurer, that Board member will not be reimbursed for the expenditure.
For expenditures not included in the Annual Budget:
Category 1 - $1.00 – $99.99
Any Board member who wishes to spend between $1.00 and $99.99 on an item that is JPNA-related must get prior approval from three other Board members, and must consult with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are available. Prior approval from three other board members must be in writing and presented to the Treasurer when consulting about funding availability. This approval can be in the form of emails or texts.
If funds are not available, the Board member must discuss with the full Board in a regular Board meeting how to increase funds to cover the expenditure.
If the Board member incurs the cost without previously consulting the Treasurer, that Board member will not be reimbursed for the expenditure.
Category 2 – above $100.00
All JPNA-related expenditures over $100.00 must be pre-approved by the Board by a quorum vote in regular session or by email vote. If by email vote, a copy of all emails must be made available to the Secretary for the JPNA records. Even if approved by the Board, the requesting Board Member must consult with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are available.
These stipulations apply:
- The request must be part of the Board agenda
- The request must include a description of the project/expenditure, its purpose and benefit to the neighborhood, the amount of funds requested, vendor name, city requirements and/or legal implications of the expenditure, probable date of expenditure, and any source of matching funding if that exists.
- The Board member who makes the pre-approved expenditure must provide receipts in order to be reimbursed by the Treasurer.
If the Board member incurs the cost without previously consulting the Treasurer, that Board member will not be reimbursed for the expenditure.
For all categories:
- No expenditures will be reimbursed if unrestricted funds are not available at the time of the expenditure.
- Only members of the Board may expend money for JPNA activities.
- Once approved, the requesting Board member or appointed project head may expend his/her own funds and be reimbursed, or may request a check made out to the vendor.
- Board members making expenditures must provide a receipt for the expenditure to the Treasurer within one week of expenditure.
- Treasurer will ensure that, when a board member requests money for unbudgeted expenditures, that there is always enough money in the JPNA account to cover the budgeted expenditures.
Approved by the Board on December 16, 2020, updated 1/2025
Proposal Form Certain neighborhood projects involve the city of Tucson and require agreement from the JPNA. Projects which are supported by the respective assns require
Name of Project:
Name(s) of project leaders:
How does the Project benefit the neighborhood or solve a problem
Who are the Members of Committee?
What is the Description of Project?
How will it involve/affect adjacent neighbors?
Does any part of the project involve the City of Tucson ?
Are there any legal/liability issues?
Are there any drawings, designs?
What is needed from the Association?
Source of Funding
[ ] JPNA funds
[ ] Donations solicited through non-profit Friends of Jefferson Park, Inc
[ ] grant from Friends of Jefferson Park
[ ] Private donations
For consideration at which meeting (s)?
Proposal Form Certain neighborhood projects involve the city of Tucson and require agreement from the JPNA. Projects which are supported by the respective assns require
- a written submission to the board (s) (see below)
- a vote of approval of the project by the board
- a vote of approval for the estimated cost of the project if $ are needed
- a formal notation of person(s) who will represent the assn and lead the project
- a monthly update at the board meetings
Name of Project:
Name(s) of project leaders:
How does the Project benefit the neighborhood or solve a problem
Who are the Members of Committee?
What is the Description of Project?
How will it involve/affect adjacent neighbors?
Does any part of the project involve the City of Tucson ?
Are there any legal/liability issues?
Are there any drawings, designs?
What is needed from the Association?
Source of Funding
[ ] JPNA funds
[ ] Donations solicited through non-profit Friends of Jefferson Park, Inc
[ ] grant from Friends of Jefferson Park
[ ] Private donations
For consideration at which meeting (s)?