White Paper:
Phases 5/6 of the Grant Road Project
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November 22,2024
Inquiry about cOmpletion of Grant Road Phase 5/6
November 22, 2024
Regional Transportation Authority
1 E Broadway Blvd, Suite 401
Tucson AZ, 85701
[email protected]
RTA and City of Tucson:
Reference our letter dated Nov 22,2024 available at Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association strongly urges that Grant Road Phases 5 & 6 be finished now. The RTA Next Draft does not appear to include the completion of the Grant Road Project. Very real issues presently exist and will only worsen if the project is left unfinished.
First, consider the disaster that has occurred as a result of complicated scheduling and funding, leaving our area in limbo, partially finished in Phases 1 & 2. The rest was left to be addressed in Phases 5 & 6, creating the “donut hole.” Phases 5 & 6 appears to have been abandoned or lost. This is unacceptable to the residents of the “Central Segments”.
Secondly, there is a section of Grant Road beginning at Santa Rita that suddenly narrows from three lanes to two lanes. This narrowed two lanes continues well past Campbell. The traffic approaching the Campbell Ave. intersection is backed up five to six blocks, making it virtually impossible at certain times of the day to exit the neighborhood. In addition, vehicles emit fumes that drift steadily into the nearby residential areas. The schedule, which allowed for such narrowing, a “wasp-waist squeeze” in the middle of the Grant, is incomprehensible.
Lastly, the many homes that have already been acquired sit empty, becoming nuisance properties, attracting drug users, homeless folks, or often become “stash” houses for stolen goods. The empty city-owned lots, where houses have already been demolished, are relatively uncared for. Whether by error or design, the schedule has caused undue hardship on the adjacent residential areas.
The south side of Grant from Santa Rita to Mountain, our neighborhood, needs only one block to complete the existing Health and Heritage Trail - finish it please!I n the current state, Jefferson Park and SAMOS, part of the “Central Segments” cadre, take the brunt of the noise, 24 hours per day. The green spaces, Health and Heritage Trails on both sides, would help to alleviate the noise and pollution, while providing a pleasant place for residents to enjoy. Please, finish the acquisitions for this section, complete the road widening, create the Health and Heritage Trails for both sides, and prevent the slow erosion of these central neighborhoods of Tucson.
We have been very patient, with the understanding that if we could just wait, our turn would come. Please clarify the funding and timing situation for the Central Segments and Phases 5&6.
Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Cc: Regina Romero,Mayor
Kevin Dahl, Ward III, and Karin Uhlich, Ward VI
Alejandro Angel, PSOMAS, and Bam Miller, Samos
Catalina Vista N/A, Campbell/Grant NA
Regional Transportation Authority
1 E Broadway Blvd, Suite 401
Tucson AZ, 85701
[email protected]
RTA and City of Tucson:
Reference our letter dated Nov 22,2024 available at Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association strongly urges that Grant Road Phases 5 & 6 be finished now. The RTA Next Draft does not appear to include the completion of the Grant Road Project. Very real issues presently exist and will only worsen if the project is left unfinished.
First, consider the disaster that has occurred as a result of complicated scheduling and funding, leaving our area in limbo, partially finished in Phases 1 & 2. The rest was left to be addressed in Phases 5 & 6, creating the “donut hole.” Phases 5 & 6 appears to have been abandoned or lost. This is unacceptable to the residents of the “Central Segments”.
Secondly, there is a section of Grant Road beginning at Santa Rita that suddenly narrows from three lanes to two lanes. This narrowed two lanes continues well past Campbell. The traffic approaching the Campbell Ave. intersection is backed up five to six blocks, making it virtually impossible at certain times of the day to exit the neighborhood. In addition, vehicles emit fumes that drift steadily into the nearby residential areas. The schedule, which allowed for such narrowing, a “wasp-waist squeeze” in the middle of the Grant, is incomprehensible.
Lastly, the many homes that have already been acquired sit empty, becoming nuisance properties, attracting drug users, homeless folks, or often become “stash” houses for stolen goods. The empty city-owned lots, where houses have already been demolished, are relatively uncared for. Whether by error or design, the schedule has caused undue hardship on the adjacent residential areas.
The south side of Grant from Santa Rita to Mountain, our neighborhood, needs only one block to complete the existing Health and Heritage Trail - finish it please!I n the current state, Jefferson Park and SAMOS, part of the “Central Segments” cadre, take the brunt of the noise, 24 hours per day. The green spaces, Health and Heritage Trails on both sides, would help to alleviate the noise and pollution, while providing a pleasant place for residents to enjoy. Please, finish the acquisitions for this section, complete the road widening, create the Health and Heritage Trails for both sides, and prevent the slow erosion of these central neighborhoods of Tucson.
We have been very patient, with the understanding that if we could just wait, our turn would come. Please clarify the funding and timing situation for the Central Segments and Phases 5&6.
Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Cc: Regina Romero,Mayor
Kevin Dahl, Ward III, and Karin Uhlich, Ward VI
Alejandro Angel, PSOMAS, and Bam Miller, Samos
Catalina Vista N/A, Campbell/Grant NA
GRANT ROAD COALITION MEETING - May 9, 2024 Ward III meeting Room
PLANNING MEETING of the Grant Road Coalition
May 9, 2024, 5:00 pm Ward III meeting Room
in person or by zoom:
Meeting ID: 893 6715 5146 Passcode: 738657
The Grant Road Coalition will meet to review and plan for the next phase with a focus on greenspace and neighborhood mitigation.
PLANNING MEETING of the Grant Road Coalition
May 9, 2024, 5:00 pm Ward III meeting Room
in person or by zoom:
Meeting ID: 893 6715 5146 Passcode: 738657
The Grant Road Coalition will meet to review and plan for the next phase with a focus on greenspace and neighborhood mitigation.
Planning Paper - Information and Agenda May 9, 2024
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Grant Road Central Segments Coalition WHITE PAPER FOR PHASES 5/6
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to see the Green Space "possibilities" for Phase 5 see: www.grantroad.info/pdf/Grant_5-6_Landscape_Opportunities_2021-04.pdfhttp://www.grantroad.info/pdf/Grant_5-6_Landscape_Opportunities_2021-04.pdf
The Grant Road Improvement Project extends from Oracle to Swan Road. Phase two and Phase five effect Jefferson Park and four other neighborhoods. The widening of Grant Road will cause the loss of 23 properties which contribute to Jefferson Park's historic status. Other neighborhoods face issues of mitigation of sound, light and safety.
The "Grant Road Coalition" is composed of five residential areas contiguous to Grant Road. For more information on the coalition contact Joan Daniels, Jefferson Park Representative; or Barbara Miller, SAMOS representative.
The "Grant Road Coalition" is composed of five residential areas contiguous to Grant Road. For more information on the coalition contact Joan Daniels, Jefferson Park Representative; or Barbara Miller, SAMOS representative.
1) To establish an interface between the Grant Road Project and the historic and residential neighborhoods along the one mile between First Ave and Tucson Blvd .
2) To represent and inform the neighborhood residents and associations in the affected area. To facilitate their voice in the process.
Jefferson Park Neighborhood Members
* JPNA Coalitiion Co-chair, J Daniels [email protected]
Members: B. Schlanger, J. Osuna, Colleen NIchols
SAMOS Neighborhood
* SAMOS Coalition Co-chair, Bam Miller [email protected]
Mountain/First Neighborhood
* Mtn/First Co-chair, Sarah Studd
Campbell/Grant Neighborhood
*Campbell/Grant Co-shair, Ben Elias
Catalina Vista
*Catalina Vista Co-chair, Janet Fischer
DTM, Department of Transportation and Maintenance
Grant Road Improvement Project (GRIP) Citizens Task Force
1) To establish an interface between the Grant Road Project and the historic and residential neighborhoods along the one mile between First Ave and Tucson Blvd .
2) To represent and inform the neighborhood residents and associations in the affected area. To facilitate their voice in the process.
- Preserve the historic and cultural vision for the border of the impacted residential and historic neighborhoods.
- Enhance and maintain the vitality of inner city neighborhoods
- Promote the use of walls, berms, green space, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities encouraging transit, and provision for smooth traffic flow.
- Promote the best practice in urban planning and development which protects and preserves the quality of life of inner city neighborhoods.
- Protect the R-1, NPZ already existing in the mile.
- minimize the impact of the demolitions on the National Historic District status of Jefferson Park.
Jefferson Park Neighborhood Members
* JPNA Coalitiion Co-chair, J Daniels [email protected]
Members: B. Schlanger, J. Osuna, Colleen NIchols
SAMOS Neighborhood
* SAMOS Coalition Co-chair, Bam Miller [email protected]
Mountain/First Neighborhood
* Mtn/First Co-chair, Sarah Studd
Campbell/Grant Neighborhood
*Campbell/Grant Co-shair, Ben Elias
Catalina Vista
*Catalina Vista Co-chair, Janet Fischer
DTM, Department of Transportation and Maintenance
Grant Road Improvement Project (GRIP) Citizens Task Force
AN URBAN PARK AND HEALTH TRAIL - NOT FUNDED: The City of Tucson in partnership with the RTA, PAG and the Grant Road Coalition-Central Segments submitted this grant to the State on May 7. It was the top rated grant in the state and was forwarded to the federal level for consideration. There will be 15 awarded and winners will be announced in October 2016. This unique concept addresses the area from Park Avenue to Santa Rita along Grant Road.
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