2024 JPNA COMMITTEES - AdHoc, Appointed Liaisons, and Standing Committees
These folks are good resources if you have a specific issue, so committeehead info is listed here. All committees work at the discretion of the JPNA Board and submit plans for any events to the board. Any outside solicitations including funding requires a project approval process. See http://www.jeffersonpark.info/policies-and-procedures.html
These folks are good resources if you have a specific issue, so committeehead info is listed here. All committees work at the discretion of the JPNA Board and submit plans for any events to the board. Any outside solicitations including funding requires a project approval process. See http://www.jeffersonpark.info/policies-and-procedures.html

Safety Committee: This group's responsibilities are encouraging Neighborhood Watch, updating TPD issues, and promoting Resiliency, and creating a Neighborhood Emergency Response plan. It provides information to the E-news, website and organizes and reports on neighborhood resiliency protocols at JPNA meetings. Dates for upcoming meetings can be found on website home page and in the Neighborhood E-news. Monthly updates at JPNA meetings.
Members: *R. Bolza [email protected] Z. Lacy, C. Doklan, S. Rayces, M. Worthen, Liz Burrola
Members: *R. Bolza [email protected] Z. Lacy, C. Doklan, S. Rayces, M. Worthen, Liz Burrola
Land Use Committee: This committee meets regularly to review building plans in Jefferson Park. Since Jefferson Park is a Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ), building requirements are regulated. Any changes to the land use in the neighborhood is reviewed. Additionally, this group educates neighbors and the community about the Historic District status. Monthly updates at JPNA meetings.
Members: *T. Gehlen [email protected], J. Osuna, C. Nichols, B. Schlanger
Seeking chair
Members: *T. Gehlen [email protected], J. Osuna, C. Nichols, B. Schlanger
Seeking chair
![]() Green Committee:
This committee promotes and monitors green infrastructure in the neighborhood. Committee head Michael Hailey is passionate about native plants, pollinators, rainwater harvesting, composting, and all-around sustainable living. He works for Tucson Clean and Beautiful as part of the Tucson Million Tree initiative, a program that is working to shade and cool Tucson's future, especially in Tucson's hottest neighborhoods. Monthly updates at JPNA meetings. Members: M. Hailey* [email protected], E. Posthumus, L.H. Milden, J. Osuna, J. Calhoun, F. Donnellan, Ricardo Pereyda |
![]() Clean Committee: This committee has the responsibility of the parklet at Edison and Campbell access road. Committee head Joanne alerts everyone the to the third Saturday clean up and folks come out to tidy up the parklet at Edison and Campbell Ave access road. Everyone is invited -many hands make short work! Monthly updates at meetings
Members: *Jeanne Calhoun [email protected] J Daniels, R. Pereyda, R Bolza City Scheduling: Brush and Bulky, Roll-Offs Colleen Nichols [email protected] |
![]() Little Free Library:
These folks monitor the little free library at Vine and Lester. M. Worthen [email protected] J. Calhoun [email protected] |
![]() Red Tag Committee: partners with TPD and The UofA to monitor unruly gathering. Information letters are mailed to all residences who were reported to TPD (911) relating to loud parties and/or resulting in red tags. Monthly updates at meetings.
Members: *C. Nichols [email protected], J. Daniels |
![]() Banner Committee:
This committee works with Banner Hospital to make sure the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) is adhered to. Included in the MOU are issues of the medical helicopter flight path, the basin, and the agreement to redistrict the JP boundaries when they have finished acquiring the residences along the south side of Lester. Monthly updates at JPNA meetings Members: *J.Daniels [email protected], R. Bolza, K. McQuown, J. Osuna, S. Barlow, J. Calhoun, S. Rayces, C.Nichols |
![]() Traffic Committee: This committee works with DTM (Department of Transportation) and neighbors to identify and fix traffic issues within JP borders. Additionally, they address Traffic Circles and work with DTM (Department of Transportation and Mobility) to identify traffic calming in the neighborhood. Committee head, Cindy, worked previously with West University on their traffic committee before moving to Jefferson Park in 2022.
Members: *C. Doklan [email protected], Z. Lacy, A. Meadow, S. Lorch, J. Heine |

Grant Road Coalition
This group of JP residents work in concert with 5 adjacent neighborhoods who are affected by the Phase 5/6 Grant Road Improvement. They work closely with DTM (Department of Transportation and Mobility) overseeing the 30% to 60% plans for the roadway. This group advocates for use of the remnants as greenspace and the safety of the intersections.
Current Co-Chair for Jefferson Park *J. Daniels [email protected]
JP Members C. Nichols, J. Osuna, B. Schlanger, F. Donnellan, D. Richmond
Linear Park Committee - subgroup of Grant Road Coalition
This group works with Parks and Recreation to maintain the Linear Park on Grant Road between Hampton and Santa Rita. It advocates for green space to continue east on Grant.
This group of JP residents work in concert with 5 adjacent neighborhoods who are affected by the Phase 5/6 Grant Road Improvement. They work closely with DTM (Department of Transportation and Mobility) overseeing the 30% to 60% plans for the roadway. This group advocates for use of the remnants as greenspace and the safety of the intersections.
Current Co-Chair for Jefferson Park *J. Daniels [email protected]
JP Members C. Nichols, J. Osuna, B. Schlanger, F. Donnellan, D. Richmond
Linear Park Committee - subgroup of Grant Road Coalition
This group works with Parks and Recreation to maintain the Linear Park on Grant Road between Hampton and Santa Rita. It advocates for green space to continue east on Grant.
UA Expansion Committee: This group works with the University of Arizona community resource folks to advocate for the neighborhood on any UA expansions. The partnership is intended to keep the neighborhood and JPNA board apprised of the most current plans and proposals. Quarterly reports (or as needed) to the JPNA board
UA member - Julie Katsel
JP members - C. Nichols, J. Daniels,J. Calhoun, R. Bolza, C. Doklan
UA member - Julie Katsel
JP members - C. Nichols, J. Daniels,J. Calhoun, R. Bolza, C. Doklan
2024 Work groups - liaison positions
![]() Campus Community Relations Liaison:
These folks attend the monthly CCRC zoom meetings. They report to the CCRC the issues in Jefferson Park and hear the updates from Banner, U of A and other surrounding neighborhoods . Highlights are reported to the JPNA board. Liaisons:*Lisa Jones, [email protected], R. Bolza, J. Daniels |
![]() International School Liaison:
The International School of Tucson is located within our neighborhood and reserves one space on their board for a representative from Jefferson Park. The rep facilitates communication between school and neighborhood to support the IST events. Liaison: C. Nichols [email protected] |

TEP Liaison: Two representatives from Jefferson Park serve on the TEP's Community Working Group (CWG). These representatives have teamed with other neighborhoods and are demanding that TEP underground the proposed 138Kv lines on City scenic routes in all neighborhoods. Jefferson Park is especially impacted by the location of the substation near Lester and Vine.
Liaisons: C. Nichols* [email protected], J. Daniels
Liaisons: C. Nichols* [email protected], J. Daniels
2024 - standing committees * Indicates chairpersons

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: TASKS Article IV, 1. a. The Nominating Committee shall recruit candidates to run for office at the Annual Meeting, and shall identify candidates for appointments under Article III, sections 3 and 4. When a vacancy occurs during the year, the Nominating Committee will present the Board with a list of interested candidates for the position.
Current Members: *LH Milden, C Nichols, J Osuna, J. Daniels
Current Members: *LH Milden, C Nichols, J Osuna, J. Daniels

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: TASKS Article IV, 1b. The Public Relations Committee will work with the President to communicate effectively about the Neighborhood.
Current Members:
Current Members:
- E-News: *J.Daniels, [email protected] J. Osuna, C. Nichols
- Web-site: * J. Daniels, [email protected] C. Nichols
- Google Groups & FaceBook: *J. Osuna
- Scheduling JPNA meetings with Ward III (January - December) Colleen Nichols

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: TASKS ARTICLE 4, 1)d. The Programs Committee will develop programs for the Quarterly General Membership Meetings, as well as other neighborhood functions. This committee is responsible for Quarterly refreshments - i.e. an ice cream social in the summer, Christmas Cookies for the annual meetings.etc
Additionally this committee over sees neighborhood public functions to adhere to city regs when appropriate.
Current Members: LH Milden* [email protected] Judy Janson, Cindy Doklan
Additionally this committee over sees neighborhood public functions to adhere to city regs when appropriate.
Current Members: LH Milden* [email protected] Judy Janson, Cindy Doklan