TUCSON'S 31st HISTORIC DISTRICT * P.O. Box 41243, Tucson, AZ 85717
JPNA February 26, 2025 Meeting
At Ward III Meeting Room 1510 E Grant Rd or Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86825677616?pwd=cKdif6cQRCtybCVVOrSplPhkQIx16M.1 Meeting ID: 868 2567 7616 Passcode: 496226 2025 JPNA meetings:
2/26,3/26,4/23,5/28,6/25, July & August recess, 9/24, 10/22, 11/19, 12/17 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF JEFFERSON PARK, INC will be March 26 preceeding the Association meeting. It will be at 5:00 at the Ward III meeting space.
PHOTO TOUR - Tucson's 31st Historic District is a neighborhood bounded on Grant Road on the north, Euclid on the West, Campbell Avenue on the East and Chauncey Lane on the South. It is a vibrant historic urban neighborhood. Located in the shadow of the U of A, its residents are a mix of owner-occupants and renters. The neighborhood includes three churches and the International School of Tucson, serving students from pre-school to eighth grade. Walkable and bike-friendly streets, green infrastructure, and friendly neighbors make Jefferson Park one of Tucson's premier neighborhoods.
Helpful links and contact numbers
Helpful links and contact numbers

Thursdays- Mondays
3-27-25 - 3-31-25, 5-15-25 - 5-19-25
7-31-24 - 8-04-25, 10-23-25 -10-27-25
Located at 4 sites in Jefferson Park
917 E. Seneca, 1822 E. Lester St.,
850 N. Tyndall and 1740 E. Edison
Thursdays- Mondays
3-27-25 - 3-31-25, 5-15-25 - 5-19-25
7-31-24 - 8-04-25, 10-23-25 -10-27-25
Located at 4 sites in Jefferson Park
917 E. Seneca, 1822 E. Lester St.,
850 N. Tyndall and 1740 E. Edison
BRUSH 'N BULKY - in the alley - 2025
March: Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 7, 2025
September: Tuesday, Sept. 2- Friday, Sept. 5, 2025
For more information about Brush and Bulky, www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Environmental-and-General-Services/Residential-Services/Brush-and-Bulky
Place your yard weeds, bulky trash etc (see below for link to acceptable items) in the alley behind your home.
March: Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 7, 2025
September: Tuesday, Sept. 2- Friday, Sept. 5, 2025
For more information about Brush and Bulky, www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Environmental-and-General-Services/Residential-Services/Brush-and-Bulky
Place your yard weeds, bulky trash etc (see below for link to acceptable items) in the alley behind your home.
Individual service information:
Individual service information:
Westside Police Service Center 1310 W Miracle Mile T/A 85705 520-791-4467 TPD OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO JP SGT James Stone [email protected] CRO Karla Rubio-Corral #105100 Work:520-330-9877 Email:[email protected] SGT. Matthew Alexander #43116 Email: [email protected] For sharing photos of concerns or to report suspicious activity that is ongoing contact: [email protected] or CRO Kirsten Hinthorn #101777 Work:(520) 400-1404 Email: Kirsten.[email protected] CRIME STATS FOR JP
80 most recent crime reports by neighborhood https://neighborhood.w6iwi.org/ EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS INFORMATION: https://www.ready.gov/This is the website for the federal government’s readiness tools and forms for everyone to use and share.
https://www.ready.gov/be-informed Includes the link to order free printed materials and have them shipped to you. There are sheets on a variety of hazards. There is a guide on how to prepare for disasters, a family communication guide and even a fill-in card for all family members to have. https://www.ready.gov/kit this has instructions and a list for a kit to have ready for emergencies particularly if you will be sheltering at home. Lend a Hand - Senior Support
![]() Lend A Hand serves seniors ages 60 or older, as well as younger individuals with disabilities, in 12 central Tucson neighborhoods. Lend a Hand seeks volunteers as well as clients. To volunteer or seek help for a senior, go to their website https://www.lahseniorhelp.org or contact our neighborhood representatives:
Contact:*Lisa Jones, [email protected], Your Neighborhood School
![]() Consider allocating your AZ Tax Credit to our own neighborhood school, Visit the website:
https://www.istucson.org/support-ist/ Report Transportation Concerns: Is there a pothole you'd like to see fixed? Is a street sign missing? Is a tree limb hanging too close over a roadway or sidewalk?You can report these issues to the Department of Transportation and Mobility (DTM), (520) 791-3154, or email the exact location to [email protected]
What is a code violation?And whom do I call? Download an information sheet approved by the City Code Enforcement Division
![]() STREET RACING Report street racing. Even after the fact, it gives TPD a good idea if there's an area where it occurs most often. Click link below to go to survey.https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/d3ae9452403640d6bcf30975f5c221ca
![]() Roach Control Hotline Automated line, please provide requested information and staff will return the call (520) 724-3401
Report Sewer Odors (520) 724-3400 TRASH (in the alley), RECYCLE (front curb)
![]() It is a Code Violation to leave furniture and trash at the curb. If the resident who left it there will not dispose of it properly, you can report it. Contact Report Illegal Dumping online at Code Enforcement Violation Report or call (520) 791-5843, Monday-Friday 9:30 AM - 4 PM
JEFFERSON PARK PROFILE: "Drachman Institute finished their most current update on what kind of housing we’re seeing in neighborhoods surrounding the UA campus. In most cases the percentage of owner-occupied is sadly low in comparison to rentals.The concern is as rentals increase the level of commitment to and care for the surrounding neighborhood decreases." (Ward VI newsletter 12/2023)
NON-EMERGENCY - 791-4444 REPORT A CRIME - 88-CRIME (882-7463) Anonymously report suspicious activity/persons Helicopter Fly -Overs
![]() Banner Hospital Security
BUMC Security: 520-694-6533. The Med Evac. flight path is south of Jefferson Park. No choppers should fly over Jeff Park residences. Report non-compliant flights to Banner BY PHONE: 520-694-6533. LINK TO ONLINE REPORTING:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0tzqra86NUiycx6-incm8cqK9bZ04jtJowQZjB_IHAFUNzBTQ0RVWUpWUk5RV1I4V1VDWTVCWVRTSSQlQCN0PWcu See all reports for 2024 at http://www.jeffersonpark.info/helicopters---banner.html Next neighborhood meetings: May 6, 2025 1-2pm November 4, 2025 102pm Unruly Gatherings
![]() REPORT any time of day, any number of people, if unruly.
1) Loud party calls should go to 911. 2) Additionally, if student-related, contact the UA Neighborhood Hotline to report concerns at 520-282-3649. Loud music/noise calls may be reported online: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/apps/crime-reporting/ For the red tag info sheet - CLICK HERE (JP contact Colleen Nichols [email protected]) UA Neighborhood Hot line
to report concerns re Uof A: 520-282-3649 U of A Hotline. It works! UA Emergency Alerts
Register for UAlert messages through the Friends and Family link. You have the ability to add your contact information to receive text and email messages. Text Message Validation – Once you register for text messages through the UAlert portal, you will receive a confirmation text from 79516 with a validation code. You must enter this code on the UAlert webpage before your number will be active. Email Validation – Once you register for emails through the UAlert portal, you will receive an email from UAlert <[email protected]> with subject Email Validation. You must select Validate in the email before your email address will be active. If you don't receive the email, make sure to check your spam/junk folder. Learn more about UAlert. In the event of a major campus emergency, updates will also be posted on the Campus Incidents page.If you have questions or concerns, please contact the 24/7 Support Center. Karen L Sanson, Office of Government & Community Relations ![]() HOMELESSNESS
Homeless Outreach Team - 520.837.7425 Emergency: 911 Website: HERE SUBMIT A REPORT FOR ENCAMPMENTS: HERE or call (520) 791-2540 The address will be sent to the outreach team at the Housing and Community Development (HCD) department. Cleanup is determined by City department ownership or oversight responsibility of property in question. Cleanup will take place 72 hours after notification and posting. The City is making efforts to assist unsheltered individuals with support services and housing when feasible. The homeless protocol involves various City departments including the City Manager’s Office, HCD, the Environmental and General Services Department, and the Tucson Police Department. PHONE NUMBER FOR UNSHELTERED - This is a resource telephone line which will provide City residents information on available services and shelter. The telephone number is (520) 791-2540. |
BLUE BINS - RECYCLING are placed at the CURB every other Monday For what you can and can not recycle go to: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Environmental-and-General-Services/Residential-Services/Recycling-Services
GREEN BINS pick up in the ALLEY every Monday |
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REQUEST A FREE REPLACEMENT TRASH OR RECYCLING BIN: Does not matter if it was stolen or is damaged- you can quickly and easily request a new trash or recycling can from Environmental Services at no charge. Call ES Customer Service at 520-791-3171. CLICK HERE for general information.
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: ONE CALL BRUSH AND BULKY: PAY $55 FOR ANY TIME SPECIAL TRASH COLLECTION. A special trash pick up can be ordered ANY TIME by calling Customer Service at 520-791-3171 or submit an online SERVICE REQUEST. Consider ordering a special pickup if you have a large quantity of bulky refuse that you are unable to take to the landfill and your Brush and Bulky service is not scheduled soon.Fees for Special Collections are:$30 for up to ten cubic yards plus $25 for 15 minutes of collection time-- $55 total. $25 for each add'l 15 minutes of collection time and $5 for each additional cubic yd.
From potholes to furniture at the curb to graffiti to shopping carts, the app "See, Click, Fix" is also a very effective tool for communicating with the City of Tucson.
Learn more at - https://www.byfusion.com/pilot-program/
neighborhood numbers/contacts
See how you can support your neighborhood with dues, donations, and volunteering. All funds go to our neighborhood improvement projects. People make Jefferson Park the great neighborhood it is. Go to: http://www.jeffersonpark.info/donatedues.html
See how you can support your neighborhood with dues, donations, and volunteering. All funds go to our neighborhood improvement projects. People make Jefferson Park the great neighborhood it is. Go to: http://www.jeffersonpark.info/donatedues.html
Meet the Jefferson Park Assn Board and find your Area Rep - http://www.jeffersonpark.info/meet-the-board1.html
JEFFERSON PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT REGISTRATION CLICK HERE to see the JP homes that qualify as historic homes (scroll down to see Jefferson Park) REGISTER YOUR HOME AS A CONTRIBUTING PROPERTY CLICK HERE If your property qualifies as a contributing property you may apply for the property tax break! |
To sign up for the neighborhood list serve send a blank email to send blank email to [email protected] or send a request for an invitation to [email protected] Facebook Pages Jefferson Park Neighborhood FACEBOOK Jefferson Park Pets PET PAGE JEFFERSON PARK NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN CLICK HERE Describes the neighborhood plan by which the city has agreed to abide. JEFFERSON PARK NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION ZONE (NPZ) CLICK HERE A special overlay describing the building changes allowed in this historic neighborhood |